Process and inspire
Courses in which people can make something themselves with used wood.
We start this to inspire and create awareness.
Processing wood into furniture or building kits that are sold.
You are more proud of what you make yourself.
Learning together is even more fun!
Collect and process
Collecting residual wood from construction and demolition companies in the region.
(but also other possible suppliers)
These can be beams, planks and slabs, but also old doors or furniture
that may be taken apart.
Collect the wood in a store after minimal processing.
Directly to private individuals via a physical or online store.
Geef resthout een tweede leven
What do we have achieved?
Set up a team 5 people who have an active role at the wood bank.
Multiple local companies contracted as suppliers of residual wood.
There is active monthly contact with the municipality about our role in a new circular environmental street. A partnership has now been set up with several organizations.
We have a location where we give workshops, do production assignments and sell material by appointment. There is a desire to have a store location.
Four workshops have been given in 2022 and 3 in 2023. The next group workshop is already in the making.
A production order has been successfully completed. 25 photo frames made of used wood.
Contacted a successful wood cycle in Rotterdam. They also want to advise.
Business model design is ready and will be further optimized.
We are working on a practical assignment for students of the Melancthon.
Investigated financing options.
Contact with the Circulair Zuid-Holland programme.
Jouw steun is hout waard
Vind je het ook belangrijk dat duurzaam omgaan met huidige grondstoffen steeds normaler wordt? Dat steeds meer mensen kiezen voor hergebruik? Steun ons. Met jouw donatie bouwen wij door aan een groeiende circulaire economie. Wij zijn nog bezig met een nieuwe crowdfund pagina. Wil je daarvoor al helpen neem contact op.
Wij zijn een maatschappelijke stichting en kunnen vrijwillige hulp goed gebruiken. Ben je handig, heb je veel ervaring met houtbewerking of denk je graag mee op organisatorisch niveau? Wij komen graag met je in contact. Samen is leuker!